So this week was not a good week. I gained a pound. I know this happens and it's to be expected but I still can't help but feeling down about it. I'm also running late posts because I've just been in a funk the last few days and can't seem to break it. I'm hoping it will pass soon.
Remember last week when I talked about how excited I was that the weather was getting warmer and how I was finally going to get some exercise in outside? Yea well, not so much. Nature decided to drop another foot of snow on us the other day and we are back to freezing cold temperatures here in New England. I'm not happy about it. Nutrisystem recommends that you do at least three daily exercise activities that are ten minutes long each. I was going strong for a while there but this week was just off. I'm finding it hard to get the energy up to do even one activity a day. I can only use the elliptical and play the same Wii games so much. I'm sun deprived and it's starting to show. This week I'll be scouring Nutrisystem's website to find new activities that I can do inside and add to my schedule. Something has to change!
Like I said before, I'm in a funk. Besides my exercise motivation, that included taking pictures of food and even my food habits. I slept longer than I should have and my meal schedule really got messed up. This, combined with lack of exercise, is what cause me to gain. Thankfully though, it was just one pound. Had I not been eating my Nutrisystem meals, I'm positive it would have been much more. Not only that, but Nutrisystem's food is perfectly portioned and is also perfect for those of us with diabetes. This also kept me from going off the deep end and adding the weight back on. I am thankful to know that with Nutrisystem, I can count on my meals to be the right portion amount and also healthy for me to eat. Now if I can just get over this funk and get back to normal, things will start going back in the right direction.
So what's my goal for next week?
I'm sincerely hoping that next week will be different. I'm aiming for a pound and would love to meet that goal. Tonight I am going to make a new exercise routine and see if that will help boost my energy. Cross your fingers for me!
Remember to stop by next week for Week 18's results!
Huge thanks to Meredith Bandy and Nutrisystem for giving me the opportunity to take part in their program!
Want to join me on my journey through weight loss with Nutrisystem? Head on over to their website here or call 1-888-853-4689 to join now! Come on, what are you waiting for? Let's get healthy!
*Disclaimer: As part of the Nutrisystem Nation Blogger Program, Nutrisystem has provided me with their food and services for free in exchange of my honest review of their program. This does not influence my opinion in any way and all views and opinions expressed are 100% my own.
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