I know what you're thinking: Weigh Me Wednesday, on Saturday? Yep, I'm running late. Seriously late, which is why this post is going to be very short and I'm sorry. My laptop died on Tuesday and it has taken forever to fix it and I am so incredibly behind and have a million things to do today.
So here we go: I lost a pound this week, woohoo! I wasn't sure if it was going to happen since I've been in a slump the last few weeks, but it did! I haven't gotten nearly as much exercise as I would have liked this week because my husband and kids have been on vacation and we have been sleeping in and watching a lot of movies together. I plan to make up for it next week though when everything gets back to normal. Nutrisystem recommends at least three daily exercise activities that are ten minutes each, I'm going to aim for five a day.
Sorry, no new pics to show you this week, but I have found and fell in love with Nutrisystem's Cinnamon Streusel Muffin. It is so good. I wish I ordered more than two because they are now my favorite breakfast item. I loveNutrisystem's diabetes menu. There are so many delicious options for me to choose from and I don't have to worry about it negatively affecting my diabetes.
So what's my goal for next week?
I'm aiming for at least another pound next week. I'm hoping that the weather will change and I will be able to take a walk outside or something :)
Remember to stop by next week for Week 15's results!
Huge thanks to Meredith Bandy and Nutrisystem for giving me the opportunity to take part in their program!
Want to join me on my journey through weight loss with Nutrisystem? Head on over to their website here or call 1-888-853-4689 to join now! Come on, what are you waiting for? Let's get healthy!
*Disclaimer: As part of the Nutrisystem Nation Blogger Program, Nutrisystem has provided me with their food and services for free in exchange of my honest review of their program. This does not influence my opinion in any way and all views and opinions expressed are 100% my own.
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