When high school oddball and introvert Jessica Chai is killed in a car accident, her parents decide that Jessica would have wanted her organs donated to those who so desperately need these gifts of life. But Jessica is angry about dying and being dismembered. Taking the idea of cell memory to the next level, not only do the recipients get pieces of Jessica, but gets pieces of their memories and lives moving forward—she knows what they know and keeps tabs on their growth, recovery, and development. This begins her journey to learn her purpose as she begins to grasp that her ties to these teenagers goes beyond random weirdness. It's through their lives that Jessica learns about herself, as she watches the lives she literally touched continue to interlock.
When I was very young, probably too young to have been watching it, I saw a movie called Body Parts about a man who receives an arm transplant. Unfortunately for this guy, the arm used to belong to a serial killer and seems to have a mind of its own. Of course the arm starts making the guy do terrible things and he goes on a search to figure out just what is happening to him. I remember being totally creeped out by this movie (again, I was like ten lol) and it has stuck with me ever since. The synopsis of this book kind of reminds me of that movie and I just can't imagine not devouring it as soon as possible. The idea that you can live on through your donated parts is just plain creepy. So I guess what I'm saying here is this: I need this book. Like yesterday. I think I'm also gonna check out Netflix and see if Body Parts is on there and if so I'm gonna give it another go. Hopefully it won't be as traumatizing now that I'm in my thirties LOL.
What about you? Are you waiting on anything special? Leave me a link and I'll come check it out!