Welcome to Week 7 of Weigh Me Wednesday: My Journey with Nurtrisystem! As a Nutrisytem Nation Blogger Program member, I am on the Women's Diabetes Select Program!
Just lovely. This meant that I barely got any exercise and my schedule was way off. Being sick sucks, but I am so thankful for Nutrisystem and their super easy meal plan. Most meals take less than two minutes to prepare and cook and that is a life saver when you are forcing yourself out of bed to eat. I was able to stay up long enough to eat breakfast and lunch before having to lay back down. The illness seems to have passed for the most part, although I did feel gross again today, but probably because I passed it along to the husband.
Unfortunately though, getting little exercise meant losing little. Or in this case, nothing. I didn't lose anything this week but I didn't gain either, yay! As long as I don't start going back up on the scale, I feel positive about my Nutrisystem journey.
I did want to talk about a new dinner I tried this week. Of course, I completely spaced it and forgot to take a picture (promise to next time!) but you can see Nutrisystem's picture below:
I am totally freaked out by canned or non-refrigerated packed meat. I don't get it either. Congrats on not gaining anything and I hope you feel better!